Month: August 2011



By Poornima Desai

The  pictures below depict the kennels at Krupa Loving Animals shelter at Kengeri and the animals under treatment which are housed in these kennels. At present there are about 30 spacious and well-planned kennels. The entire funds used for the construction of these kennels were mobilised by the volunteers with a major share of the expenses borne by the volunteers themselves.
As there is no government or private body funding, the entire expenses for the running of the NGO is borne by the trustees, volunteers and a few compassionate individuals.

The activities of the NGO broadly include:

1. Providing absolutely free treatment and care for homeless,abandoned animals which are either sick or injured.
2. Providing food and shelter for permaneltly handicapped, terminally sick and aged animals.
3. Trying to rehabilitate lost, abandoned and abused pets.
4. Striving to find loving homes for orphaned puppies and abandoned pets.

With the number of suffering, abused animals steadily increasing, there is a constant insufficiency in the funds available to meet the ever-growing expenses.
The management and volunteers of Krupa Loving Animals therefore appeal to all to come forward and generously donate towards a noble cause. Even a tiny bit will go a long way in providing some comfort to the voiceless, suffering animals. For any further information, please contact any of the following numbers:
8123418813, 9880563690, 9845141480, 9886311819.

Thank you.


This dog, aged about 10 years was picked up from the Market area with a gaping, bleeding wound. On examination it was found that it was a mammary tumour which had ruptured and was bleeding. The dog was operated upon and the tumour removed. The dog was about to be released when it was noticed that it had developed secondary tumours in the surrounding area and the original tumour was also growing back. The dog is at present on homeopathic medicines and effort is being made to see that it gets the best possible treatment.

Puppies for adoption

There are several cute puppies with Krupa and ARF eagerly waiting for people with love and compassion to adopt them. These pups are healthy and have been vaccinated. If you want to have these bundles of joy, you may contact Poornima on 9880563690.


It was on a cold and rainy night that one of our volunteers at Krupa found a beautiful Golden Retriever abandoned and lying motionless in the middle of the road quite close to the shelter. On closer examination, he found that one of its eyes was swollen and there were wounds filled with pus. With the help of some passersby, he shifted it to the Krupa shelter. Here Goldie (as she was named owing to her glowing golden coat) was treated by the doctor and tended to by the caretaker. In  course of time the wounds healed and Goldie was back to normal. She soon won the hearts of all by her extremely friendly nature. One day a lady called Mitul came to visit the shelter, instantly fell in love with Goldie and decided to adopt . Now Goldie lives in her new home with her new ‘mom’ and is as happy as can be.

KARISHMA – THE MIRACLE DOG (An update on an earlier blog ‘A Horror Story’)

Article sent by Poornima Desai

Karishma – so named as her very survival is a miracle – came to the Krupa shelter a few months ago after some savages threw acid on her face. Her severely burnt face is a mute testimony of the extreme cruelty that man can inflict on a creature weaker than himself. As there is hardly any tissue left that can be reconstructed, extreme care has to be taken to ensure that her wounds do not get infected. The caretaker at Krupa painstakingly dresses the wounded area every single day. There was one scary instance when Karishma scratched the wounded area and bled profusely. Luckily it was spotted in time and the bleeding arrested.

In spite of her pain and distress, Karishma continues to survive with never a complaint over her plight; her fortitude serving to inspire one and all. The wounds may slowly heal but the scars will surely remain. Sometimes when one pets her, one gets the feeling that she is silently asking a question – “What did I do to deserve this?”

A Horror Story
In the days of Ramayana there were demon like creatures called Rakshasas whose only objective was to create troubles to good people and even maiming and killing them. Our epics describe God taking up several avatars to eliminate these evil incarnates. Rakshasas were not a figment of someone’s imagination. They exist even today.
There was one such abominable creature who, just for the sadistic pleasure, threw a mug full of deadly acid on the unsuspecting faces of some street dogs. A couple of them died horribly with their faces melting to a pulp. Some were euthanized to relieve them from the horror of pain and agony. One of them who survived was brought by our merciful volunteer Laksmi to the shelter. Did I say the dog survived? No. The dog was brought alive with one side of the face missing. What was left was a hole in place of the eye and a portion of the skull instead of the left cheek.
I do not want to horrify the readers by showing the dog’s photo. The good doctor after inspecting the dog assured us that he will survive despite the unimaginably tormenting pain. After about a month’s treatment, there is some hope of the poor creature’s recovery. Scar tissue appears to have formed. What actually melts your heart is not the horror and pain the dog is suffering, but it’s friendliness and love he manages to exhibit with just one part of its face and the other side missing. He wants to be petted if you have the will to forget the horror of the missing face. Are you willing and ready ?