Month: August 2014



The dog in the picture was presented at Krupa Animal Hospital with a
severe skin condition. As a result of scratching and biting itself, it
had bleeding wounds all over its body especially the head and face.
The treatment commenced which included topical application of lotion
and also oral medication. Three weeks later, the wounds have healed
and the dog is now quite comfortable. It is likely to be discharged in
another two weeks’ time.



This little one-month old pup in the picture has surely not had much to cheer about in its little life. Having lost its mom right after birth, it was fed and looked after by compassionate people and managed to survive the initial few weeks. But misfortune struck soon when a mother with a litter of her own grabbed this little puppy by its head and would have killed it had the caretakers not rescued it in time.
But the damage was done. The little puppy had severe injuries on the head and face resulting in its being blinded in one eye. Now, the puppy has recovered from its ordeal and is healthy and active but has lost the vision in one eye. But it has not lost the hope of finding a loving home and a family to which it can belong.



By Poornima Desai

Do Fairy-tale endings really exist? Well, little Braveheart’s case does make one think that they exist. On reading about little Braveheart (the plucky puppy with no front limbs), a wonderfullycompassionate couple came forward to adopt him and drove all the way across the city on a rainy day for that purpose. It did not matter to
them even a little bit that the puppy was imperfect. All they wanted was to give him a place in their hearts and home. The meeting was one that would bring tears to the sternest of eyes. The moment little Braveheart saw his future parents, he went to them like he had known them all his life, his trust in them was complete. And in return, was enveloped in warmth and love. Now, Lucky (as Braveheart is now called) resides with his new family and one can indeed say “they lived happily ever after”.



Heavy rain and squall during this monsoon are causing untold misery to the inmates of Krupa. The open canopy shelters at Krupa are inadequate in providing protection to the animals from rain and the dogs get drenched and soaked in the squall. There is an urgent need to extend the width of these canopies to protect the animals. This requires several asbestos cement sheets and iron work. We appeal to all compassionate people who have seen this problem at Krupa and others to help us financially to undertake this job. The estimate cost of the work would be around Rs.40,000. We appeal for urgent help. Please contact Rajan @ 7829816208.