Month: November 2013


(sent by Poornima Desai)IMG

The three puppies seen in the picture were like any other mongrel puppies, orphaned, unwanted and deserted at an animal hospital. Efforts to find good homes for these waifs was proving to be largely unsuccessful. Until suddenly, one fine day, the three of them got lucky. A kindly lady visited the hospital with the intention of adopting a few mongrel puppies for her farm on the outskirts of the city. The three chosen ones are now under her care at her home where they will be looked after until they are old enough to be taken to the farm house. Words are not enough to express our gratitude to this lady and her family who have transformed the lives of three orphaned pups. May her tribe increase.

Death of the baby calf

There have been quite a number of calls asking me the reason for the sad demise of the baby. Before I explain, a word or two about how the milk industry operates.
Milk is a product of cruelty and sin. Many do not know the torture and agony suffered by cows (and buffaloes) and calves. While female calves are cherished, male ones are considered unproductive and useless. Milkmen separate the calves from the mother preventing them from getting mother’s milk. When calves are removed mother cows will frantically bellow for the offspring that they will never see again. Separated calves appear frightened and bewildered. Regardless of how this situation is handled this separation causes enormous stress for both the cow and calf. The milkman sells these babies to slaughterers immediately. How will you save the thousands of calves packed tightly in trucks and sent to abattoirs It is another matter that the cows get a daily injection of deadly drugs which make them release the milk in the absence of their calves.
When this calf was about to be sent for slaughter, we negotiated with the milkman and bought the calf. Already the calf was weak without mother’s milk. We tried to feed this calf with soft food and nutritive syrup. This cannot be a substitute for mother’s milk that gives strength and immunity from diseases. This baby grew weak and left this cruel world while we were looking on helplessly.


The jaws of death is inescapable
And may be invincible.
The baby whom we thought escaped
The slaughterer’s knife,
Was felled by the dragon of Death,
Bringing an inconsolable gloom.
Farewell little calf, be thou
Rest with the angels forever.


This graceful and healthy black mongrel with a beautiful white streak on the face was rescued from its cruel owner. We will refrain from describing the cruelty inflicted on him for it will read like a horror story. We appeal to compassionate animal lovers to find a loving home for this friendly dog.

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